Exploring Interactions
August 2014 - February 2015
Delft Institute of Positive Design
Best studio project presentation - chosen by studio
Exhibited at 38CC, Delft
Memoriam Tea
Letting people feel proud about their achievements,
when coming home from their long day of work
- Design goal
‘Memoriam’ is the Latin word for ‘Mindfulness’, meaning: ‘the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something’.
Tea is an ancient drink that has developed over several centuries. While the process of making a cup of tea used to be, and still is in some parts of the world, a ritual and moment to settle down and relax, it nowadays lost most of these qualities. Memoriam Tea explicitly focuses on these qualities with the ultimate goal of making the user mindful about their life.
Memoriam Tea uses the time that is needed to let your tea steep in for self-reflection. Its design reveals a small persuasive message* on the wooden stick when unwrapping the package. These messages are designed to trigger the user to start thinking about positive things that happened during their day. This helps people to reflect and eventually feel proud about their own achievements.
*Note that this project was conducted and finished before Pickwick introduced their "Tea Topics"
Muscle pain after a good workout
- Interaction vision
Memoriam Tea’s main purpose is to let people reflect on their day, by providing them with new persuasive messages every time they drink a cup of tea.
Design Process
Creating final prototype
Designing and building the final version of the design
Optimizing the design through crafting
Forming a design goal and interaction vision
Defining my vision and doing research within this field
Send out sensitizing booklets to target group
Analyzing results
Creating ideas
Online research in current design solutions
Idea sketching with a focus on the interactions
Making test models
Making quick sketch models to test interactions
Paper prototypes to enable quick modifications
Interaction research
Testing sketch models with participants
Evaluate interactions with interaction vision
Iterate findings into the design
Final design testing
Testing the final design with participants, over a course
of 3 days
Reflecting on the design through interviews
Analyze test results
Create design recommendations
Use scenario Memoriam Tea
Memoriam Tea was one of the Exploring Interaction projects that was invited to take place on the exhibition site of 38CC in Delft. This event took place between 10 and 19 April 2015.
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© Max Tak, 2015